ABC's Nanny Agency in Seattle is getting RAVE reviews!
ABC Nanny Source has an abundance of family testimonials - more so than our website can handle! The excitement and success with our cherished families are driving factors in this wonderful industry! We are honored by all of the amazing people we get to work with - from nannies to families and the most adorable children in the world - our Seattle agency will keep aiming for the “Emerald Crown”! Here are a few of our recent quotes and posts of gratitude!
“We registered with other nanny agencies in Seattle and King County, we just couldn’t find what we were looking for. When we found ABC Nanny Source, we felt they almost read our minds in what we wanted. We were very happy to learn about their screening process and even more happy when it all worked out in our favor. It was a very impressive experience, from the expedient process to the pleasant and fun attitude of our Placement Counselor! She was personable and informative from the moment we registered. We were fortunate to have the same counselor we started with - which made it even better - simply because my husband and I had already discussed with her what were were looking for in a nanny! Within 48 hours she had already put a list together of a few outstanding candidates! She just seemed to be so on point, even following up with any emails of questions and requests we made. It was shocking because our previous endeavours hadn’t gave us the slightest hint of urgency or this kind of feeling that priority was important with our position! Everyone on the ABC Staff that we spoke with was equally as sweet - we truly felt like family. We were continuously impressed long after the moment our perfect nanny knocked on the front door! She’s still with us today - and we adore her! What an addition to our family! We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out. From our registration to our finalized offer, we couldn’t be happier. Thank you ABC Nanny Source and we will be sure to spread the word! Truly fantastic!”
“The attention to detail by ABC Nanny Source was absolutely amazing! They were intuitive and aware of our needs. We were presented with confidential information on the nannies; something that we couldn’t find through our online nanny searches. We felt stuck and boxed up when trying to deal with online companies, we just didn’t feel like we had any control and our hits were not what we were looking for. ABC Nanny Source completely changed our perspective of what our nanny expectations were. We suddenly knew who our candidates were, from the details in their profiles. We went from settling with an ok nanny - to picking our favorite from five amazing candidates presented to us! We knew their experience, their credentials, and their personality traits. This was a huge confidence builder in our conscious search to finding an ideal nanny. The process was stress free. I felt like I had known our nanny my whole life and I hadn’t even met her yet. When she was here - my feelings didn’t change - it was deja vu! I’m forever grateful to ABC Nanny Source and our Placement Counselor. I look forward to recommending them to my friends when they are ready to begin their search!”
"“I could not have asked for a better service! Thank you ABC Nanny Source! I cannot emphasize enough the level of service my Placement Counselor offered. She was extremely professional and responded to our situation sincerely. From the start, she made it known that finding a great nanny with the flexibility we were looking for was possible. She was the spark of life my wife and I needed in agreeing on a nanny. She and I are both physicians - our schedules are literally chaotic. We couldn’t settle on a nanny for months. Suddenly we agreed on two nannies she’d offered and we were stuck once again - this time with choosing between two extraordinary profiles. She even helped us narrow it down to distance, travel time, and unique character matching with our little guy! When we made our final choice, we knew it was a good one, and we were right! Janelle, our nanny is still with us 6 months later - we hope to have her forever! Again two thumbs up to an award winning service.” 
“I started my search the day I ended our daycare! After witnessing my child cry for at least five minutes (unattended) after being pushed off a jungle gym I knew we needed change. I just couldn’t believe my eyes and my heart was broken. I didn’t blame the teacher, simply because I knew she had at least fifteen other children she was attending, including two of my own. Whatever the reason, it just wasn’t good enough. I’d heard of ABC Nanny Source from a friend who was very pleased with their nanny and had tried to get me to sign up earlier. I didn’t think we had the resources to make it happen with a full time nanny, little did I know ABC Nanny Source and their Placement Counselors offer solutions to everything. I needed a part-time nanny who could meet my needs without a full-time schedule. Not only did I get that, but I’m pretty sure I got the best nanny in the world! My Placement Counselor made a vow to help me find what I was looking for, and she followed through with wonders!”

“We are so pleased with ABC Nanny Source, words cannot do justice. My law firm is extremely busy and my husband is a workaholic who owns his own construction company. We felt that our situation was increasingly becoming stressful on our children, the wellbeing, and productivity as a family. We needed someone who would be there for our children and help us keep our home in order; someone who could get the groceries, pick up the children from school, take them to their activities, support them in their activities, feed and walk our beloved golden retriever and keep a positive momentum in the family. We really wanted someone with an education background and that was a motivated thinker. We researched a few different agencies, and muddled through at least fifty different nanny potentials before finding ABC Nanny Source. Their process was inspiring, we were originally attracted to them because of the sense that their standards were as high as ours. After giving it a shot we were taken away by their impeccable attention to detail; almost immediately, we had profiles of two upbeat teachers who were transitioning into a one-on-one based environment, and a younger extremely athletic and talented candidate that recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree of Early Childhood Development from UW. We chose the latter, and were extremely happy with our choice. She was wonderful beyond comparison. Our story continues, as well as the continued support and their commitment at ABC Nanny Source. Unfortunately our perfect nanny had a family emergency that was unforeseen and unpreventable. We went back to our Placement Counselor with empty hands and above average hopes to now replace a nanny which we considered irreplaceable. I would liked to have wrote this testimony earlier, yet I’m not at all surprised to be writing it now, because I feel I have the full spectrum of their service. Our Placement Counselors words ring in my mind as I write this now, “everything happens for a reason.” What I remember from first speaking with her was the way she presented herself. She was always poised, and always confident and cheerful. She had my respect and attention from the get go. She once again presented results that were astounding considering our needs. There was actually someone else who had similar characteristics and qualities that our first nanny had. I am still amazed to this day how she did it! I will never forget her and her team of compassionate, yet focused professionals. ABC Nanny Source is guaranteed to deliver the highest class service available. Bravo to their outstanding and unwavering customer service and commitment to improving our family’s lives!”