Initiate Your Nanny Search - We are confident we can match you with Mary Poppins!
We appreciate you choosing ABC Nanny Source! We find the solution to securing the ideal Seattle Nanny for families every day - it's what we love and what we do! In order to be sure we have all the necessary information to get started, ABC will need to ask you specific questions to determine what your requests are. Please fill out the registration below and one of our experienced Placement Counselors will be in touch with you very quickly. After registering, your family can anticipate to receive profiles of outstanding nannies within only a matter of a few days!
Please follow the following instructions to become registered: (no fee to start search!)
- Fill out Family Registration Form below
- Complete personalized consultation with Placement Counselor
- Email or Fax Referral Agreement: (see below)
The Placement Counselor assigned to your family will be in touch with you shortly to initiate the search!
For your convenience, we accept:

Full Time Referral Agreement
Part Time Referral Agreement
Please sign, scan and email corresponding agreement above to [email protected]
FAX to 1-877-349-6719