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"What impressed me the most about working with ABC Nanny Source was the level of detail and organization in which such confidential information was presented. I received an extensive profile of each nanny candidate prior to her coming to my home for an interview. Once each nanny arrived at my door, I was fully relaxed because I felt I already knew the person in front of me! That’s how detailed these profiles were. The process was made very easy for our family and within a matter of days, I hired the perfect nanny for our children!"

Sherilyn loves being a Redmond Governess because her creativity and talent shine!

“I have a natural empathy towards people and I have been told I radiate warmth that draws people in. I am the oldest of four children, so I feel like I always have had a maternal quality. If I was asked to describe in one sentence the reason I have chosen to be in the nanny profession over any other it would have to be because I believe every child deserves that one on one attention and require it at a young age. I know the attention and love children need and I can be the person to give that nurture to them! I can honestly say I adore what I do! I feel the children are absolutely brilliant and resilient. Adults have a lot to learn from them. My goal as a Redmond Governess is to learn something new every day and to help the children do the same. I would also hope to make the children laugh and smile as often as possible. I am willing to do housekeeping that includes cleaning, dusting, sweeping, mopping, laundry, etc. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do. I enjoy cleaning and tidiness. If I had to describe myself in five adjectives I would say that I am resourceful, warm, funny, animated and witty. Activities that I would like to incorporate in the daily plan for the family I care for would include, lots of songs/singing, visual art - drawing, painting, basic math skills- counting, grouping, vocabulary/spelling, literacy - both reading and listening, emotional development - recognizing and communicating emotions. If asked to describe the perfect family seeking a nanny like me I would hope they would be open to quirkiness, laid back, personable, and musically/theatrically inclined.”

“I was Sherilyn’s supervisor in the childcare setting for 2 years. She worked mainly with our toddler classrooms, but also worked in other classrooms too. The younger children respond so well to her and she knows just the way to communicate with them! The families also really liked her, and I thought that she communicated well with them. As a childcare teacher it can be hard to make sure that every parent gets a full run down and knows what is going on through the day, but she made it apparent to communicate with everyone. I would have to say that her greatest strength is her ability to get down on the child’s level and have fun with them. She is not just managing them, but engaging and educating them. I recommend her for a Redmond Governess position.”

“Sherilyn always fulfills all of her duties and job requirements with a smile on her face and would be a fantastic Redmond Governess. She has a great work ethic and her lovingness and patience with my son are always evident. Sherilyn has been my son’s teacher at daycare for the past year. Not only is she able to manage a classroom with 15 one-year old’s and two assistant teachers, but she also has overwhelming love and compassion for her job and the children. Every request I made was always gladly taken care of (whether it be putting extra diaper cream on, putting Vaseline on his cheeks before going outside, or calling me to update me on his day). Sherilyn always goes above and beyond to share details about my son’s day- something he said, or did that was funny or new. She always makes me feel connected to what he did during the day. It also amazes me all the new things my son learns with Sherilyn. At 21 months he is able to match colors, he sings songs that he learns with Sherilyn and you can see how much he loves her when I leave him with her in the morning. I completely trust Sherilyn and entrust her fully with the safety, education and well-being of my son.”

“Sherilyn was wonderful with the children. She worked hard to meet the expectations of her supervisors and the children absolutely adored her. Sherilyn was a pleasure to work with and would definitely be a great Redmond Governess. The children gravitated to her positive personality. She had a great deal of patience with the children and her co-workers. She loved working with the children and always contributed to teamwork in whatever way possible. She would stay late or come in early whenever asked. My 1-year old daughter was in her classroom and I felt completely comfortable having her with Sherilyn. She often ran to Sherilyn at drop off for a hug and I always enjoyed when Sherilyn would tell a story about what my daughter had done during the day. It made me feel like she really knew what was going on with my child even when there were 14 others in the classroom to take care of.”

“Sherilyn fulfilled her required duties at the daycare center with the help of assisting teachers and members of the administrative staff. Sherilyn is a very pleasant individual. She’s open to receiving feedback and making adjustments when requested. She’s an incredibly nurturing human being who is always sensitive to the needs of others and I highly recommend her for the position of Redmond Governess.”

“I have known Sherilyn my entire life, from way back in elementary school as a friend/classmate to a post-grad hard working individual. Every single interaction I’ve had with her has brightened my day. She is caring, hardworking, and so very reliable. I have performed with her in shows and bands, worked with her on projects, and even requested her help and guidance on many occasions. She always comes through for you. She works with children on a day to day basis as a Redmond Governess and she is just wonderful!”

“I have known Sherilyn for many years and have honestly never seen her lose her temper. She is the kindest, most caring person I know and will be a wonderful Redmond Governess. She is great with children and it’s easy to see that. She genuinely cares about them. She is a very level-headed person who always has an optimistic attitude about her.”

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Seattle, WA 98136
Phone: 206-219-0529
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