Arlene is one of ABC's Manhattan NY Nannies that is known for her sweet and kind demeanor!
“For as long as I have known Arlene, she has exemplified some of the best qualities a person has to offer! She is extremely hard working and dedicated. Her work ethics are exemplary! I know this because I had the pleasure of working with her when I was the Principal at Summerville Charter School (Summerville Advantage Academy). She is well known for her honesty and kind heart, two qualities which are rarely found in combination. She was an amazing Kindergarten teacher and a person that I can always depend on to work miracles with her students! She always had the children's best interest in mind and students always flourished under her supervision and care. I know that she would be an asset to any employer! I ensure that, by investing in her, you will be making a valuable investment! Few words can manifest the quality person she is. I can only hope that you will be as blessed as I have been to know her and to have worked with her!”
“Arlene is extremely hard working, dedicated and caring! She has a strong work ethic. I had the pleasure of working with her while I was the Assistant Principal at Summerville Charter School (Summerville Advantage Academy). She was an amazing Kindergarten teacher who knows how to get the best out of children to achieve more than is expected. She simply gets the job done, and done extremely well! Her priority has always been the children's best interest. I know that she would be an asset to any employer. I can ensure you that by having her as your employee, you will be gaining a valuable asset to your company and she will be recognized as one of the best Manhattan NY Nannies by the families that meet with her!”
“With the abrupt way my son’s original teacher left, I was concerned for my son Jonathan. He had just started preschool in June and I was very diligent in transitioning him into the school setting. So you can imagine my dismay when I learned that his teacher had left. My fears were totally unwarranted! Arlene was an excellent role model for my son. She was patient beyond measure! She instilled in the children the importance of being kind to one another as well as respectful. She leads by example. Mostly, Arlene makes the children feel special and loved! These social skills along with academics are of utmost importance to me for I know that l am not the only one "raising" my son. Jonathan respected and loved Arlene! He looked forward to going to school each day to see her and his friends. He even asked if there is school on Saturdays! Arlene is wonderful, and I highly recommend her as one of your Manhattan NY Nannies!”
“Arlene provided my daughter with a wonderful school year! I was impressed with her teaching structure and discipline. She had an incredible amount of patience, and for that I was grateful! She helped Isabella a great deal. Arlene’s example was seen in my home on a daily basis. Isabella was always telling me, “Ms. Arlene says…” and trying to use her “I care” language. The beginning of the year was difficult for Isabella. She was moved form one class to another within the first week. When she was getting used to her teacher, the teacher left, leaving Isabella to adapt to a new environment and a new teacher once again. I was worried at first, but when Arlene came to the class as the teacher, my daughter blossomed and grew, and I was in awe! Arlene is remarkable, and anyone who has her care for their children is truly fortunate!”
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