ABC’s Lincoln County Nanny Agency recognizes Stacy as a positive influence!
Lincoln County Nanny Stacy's References
“Stacy has been a member of the Lincoln County Nanny Agency for a significant period of two years, first as an intern and later as a valuable staff member. In her role, Stacy diligently supports and cares for the residents, actively engaging them in their daily activities and imparting crucial life skills, manners, and behaviors. Stacy's exceptional work ethic and unwavering dedication to her job render her an invaluable asset to any prospective employer. Moreover, her positive attitude and infectious enthusiasm make her not only a pleasure to collaborate with but also an outstanding role model for the residents. Stacy has consistently stood out as a staff member capable of forging strong connections with the residents, enabling them to feel at ease in her presence and fostering open and comfortable lines of communication. Her compassionate and caring personality is evident in every action she takes, underscoring her genuine love for working with children and adolescents. It is with great confidence that I highly recommend Stacy to ABC's Lincoln County Nanny Agency.”
“Stacy, from the Lincoln County Nanny Agency, has been ensuring that Dennis receives top-notch care. Over the last six years, Stacy has been our go-to caregiver whenever Dennis needed assistance. Whether indoors or outdoors, she always ensured his safety and provided engaging activities. Additionally, Stacy readily lent a hand in preparing Dennis's meals and took care of all his other needs. As Dennis started becoming more independent, Stacy remained attentive and responsive to his evolving requirements.”
“Stacy's involvement with the Camp allowed her to interact with a diverse group of children ranging from toddlers to sixth graders. Throughout this experience, I observed Stacy's unwavering reliability and sense of responsibility, which translated into her exceptional ability to connect with children across different age groups. She consistently demonstrated genuine compassion and attentiveness, while also effectively maintaining discipline to ensure the children remained engaged in activities, lessons, and games. Stacy's rapport with the children was remarkable; they were drawn to her, seeking opportunities to interact, play, and be part of her group. In fact, Stacy was widely regarded as one of the most popular counselors by the children. Her trustworthiness, aptitude for following instructions, and capability to handle situations independently made her an invaluable asset. She was not only creative in her interactions with children but also served as a positive role model for them. Based on my experience, I have the utmost confidence in recommending Stacy for the Lincoln County Nanny Agency. I even entrusted her with the care and well-being of my own daughter during camp, further validating my endorsement.”
“Stacy, a dedicated and hardworking individual with an unwavering love for children, is the perfect candidate for ABC's Lincoln County Nanny Agency. Her commitment to the well-being of children ensures her success in this role. As a loyal employee and a true friend, Stacy consistently puts in the effort required to excel in her work.”
“Stacy, my step-sister, comes highly recommended to ABC's Lincoln County Nanny Agency. As my 12-year-old son's aunt, she has been instrumental in helping me raise him since birth. Stacy's prowess with children is commendable. She possesses a kind and understanding nature, always mindful of their needs. Her honesty, reliability, and boundless energy make her an ideal candidate. Most importantly, Stacy genuinely connects with children and showers them with affection.”
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