Michelle is a Nanny in Cherry Hill that is always smiling!
Cherry Hill Nanny Michelle's References
“I’ve been associated with Michele, as both a friend and an employer, for over forty-five years. My decision to return to work was not based on financial need, but on career opportunity. I felt that if I couldn’t find someone who met my standards for childcare, I would forgo the opportunity and stay home with my children. I advertised for a Nanny and interviewed several people, but couldn’t find anyone who, I felt, met those standards. Through a mutual friend, I discovered that Michele Coyle had been working as a childcare worker for several years and was looking for a new position. As a high school friend, I knew Michele to be a responsible, reliable, caring person! I contacted her and asked if she would agree to an interview. She did, and I hired her on the spot! My decision to hire Michele as our Nanny in Cherry Hill proved to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. My boys were 7 and 9 when Michele came to work for us. She made their breakfast, packed their lunches, and saw them off on the bus. She loaded the dishwasher, did light laundry, changed their sheets and occasionally made dinner. He is, by the way, an excellent cook! My most important criteria for hiring a Nanny were that she is kind, but firm, reliable, responsible, and above all, that we share common values. Michele met all of these standards and more. Her warm, caring, manner engendered both self-esteem and a sense of security in my sons. To this day, they think of her with love, respect, and I think most importantly, with gratitude, as do I. I know this sounds like glowing praise; that’s because it is!”
“Michele went above and beyond the job requirements. Initially the job did not require household cleaning. When Michele noticed how behind I was getting with household chores, due to being a working, single mom who was going to school, she took the initiative to start helping me with laundry, cooking, and cleaning! She was a savior and my daughter loved her kind and gentle manner. My experience with Michele was wonderful! It was very difficult for me to leave my daughter in the care of someone else, at such a young age. Michele very quickly put my mind at ease! She was such a great care giver it allowed me concentrate on school and work and not worry about my daughters well being. Michele soon became more than my daughter's nanny in Cherry Hill, she became a trusted friend and mentor. She helped me become a better mom. For that I am forever grateful.”
“I have known Michele for 4 years. We become acquainted through family but became friends through our mutual ideals concerning childcare. My family at the time consisted of five boys. The boys were 17, 15, 14, 12 and 4. My Mom became ill and had to move to a Nursing Home. She lives in North Carolina. Needless to say, I was devastated because I lived in Lancaster, PA and could not be there to help. Michele offered to help by taking the kids for a weekend so we could visit. We now go one weekend a month because she takes care of the kids. The primary care now goes mainly to our youngest two that are now 16 and 8. She makes sure they go to all of their activities. When we come home the house is clean, the laundry is done and most of the time dinner is waiting for us! The best thing is our children are always very happy! We couldn’t do this without piece of mind at home. Anyone who employs her as their nanny will be getting the best!”
“Michele is a caring person who, after devoting her life to raising her own children, is now devoted to helping others care for theirs. She is gentle, yet firm with children letting them know that she cares deeply for them but establishes necessary boundaries and expectations! My children benefited greatly from the time they spent with Michele. On the days she spent with them, I would come home to a well organized home, with smiling kids! I strongly recommend Michele for a nanny in Cherry Hill, as I know she will be a tremendous asset for any family fortunate enough to hire her.”
“Michele is my longest friend. We have been friends since we were little. Over the years miles have separated us, but that has never ceased our friendship! She is very loyal and sincere. She always knows the right thing to stay or do. I went through some hard times and she always tried to help. I love her and I think anyone who hires her will too!”
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