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ALL Harrisburg ABC Nannies Have:

  • CPR Certification (Adult/Child/Infant)
  • Verified Identity Analysis Completed
  • Exceptional References
  • Valid Driver's License
  • Drug Test performed by Quest Diagnostics
  • Nationwide Criminal Background
  • SSN Trace
  • Confidentiality Understanding

Submit a Reference for a Nanny

Thank you for taking the time to supply an online reference. Please note you will also be contact by phone by ABC's Verification Department to confirm information supplied.

Alternatively, letters of reference can be submitted by fax to 1-877-349-6719 or sent by email to [email protected]

Your First and Last Name:
Your Address:
Your State:
Candidates First and Last Name:
Today's Date: - -
Contact Phone Number 1:
(Must provide a verifiable contact number in order for reference to be approved!)
Is this a personal or work related reference?
If this is a personal related reference please specify the relation you have to the candidate:
How many years do you know the candidate:

If this is a childcare related reference please answer the following 4 questions as well. If this is a personal reference you can skip the next 4 questions.

Between what dates did the applicant work for you? - - to - -
Was this position permanent or temporary?
Was it full time or part time?

Names and Ages of Children When Candidate Started

Typical Hours of the Position

Were any additional duties performed as part of her position? Please check duties performed

 Child's Laundry
 Child's Meal Preparation
 Child's Homework Assistance
 Child's Transportation to and from Activities
 Accompany Child on Doctor / Dentist Visits

 Family Laundry
 Family Meal Preparation
 Errands / Dry Cleaning
 Family Grocery Shopping

 Heavy Cleaning

Please list four adjectives that best describe the personality of the applicant:
, , ,

In your opinion, did the applicant fulfill all job requirements? Please describe

What is one thing you feel the applicant could improve on?

On a scale of 1 – 10, how would you recommend the applicant for a nanny position?
10 = highly recommend, 1 = absolutely not.

In your own words, please give a detailed description of your experience with the applicant:

Thank you for your attention in this matter.
We may be contacting you again in the future if we are in need of further information
and for verification purposes.

ABC Nanny Source


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ABC Nanny Source - A Harrisburg Nanny Agency
Phone: 717-221-1020
Toll Free Fax: 1-877-349-6719

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