Harrisburg Nanny April has a background in elementary education and private childcare!
Harrisburg Nanny April's References
“April worked as a Harrisburg Nanny with our family for 8 years. She started with us when our twin girls were 5 months old. She was wonderful with my babies! She shared our philosophy on structure, and was an important contributor in getting the babies on a good schedule with respect to feeding, napping, and playing. She was nurturing, calm and has a lovely way with children. My girls adored her! When I delivered my third child, she helped us manage two 3-year-old toddlers and an infant. Needless to say, she is able to multi-task very well! As the three children got older, her responsibilities have changed and she has readily adapted to driving the children to pre-school, bus stop duty, and homework help. April handled an emergency with ease, had flexibility with respect to changing work schedules, and she is a reliable childcare provider. All of us will miss her very much and we highly recommend her to you!”
“April was our caregiver for about six years. She was with our son William from the time her was two months old through his sixth year! She was a model Harrisburg Nanny; responsible, dependable, and caring. She made both my wife and me comfortable that our son was in good hands! April worked five days per week and rather long hours. She also occasionally had to spend an overnight with William when both my wife and I were traveling. We would highly recommend April to anyone who is seeking a caregiver for his or her children. Having her as a part of the family certainly helped mold William into the fine young man and excellent student he is today!”
“April was a wonderful 2nd grade teacher to two of my children! She seemed to always have an orderly classroom. She has a very good rapport with the children and her fellow workers. She will be a fine Harrisburg Nanny to your family!”
“April served as a second grade teacher for three years. Her devotion to her students and their success was paramount to her experience here! She was selfless in her commitment to her students and her profession. I have no doubt that she will make a remarkable Harrisburg Nanny! April provided the highest quality of instruction to each of her classes, and their individual progress is clearly evidenced in standardized test scores, report cards, and future successes in following years. April consistently related well to her peers and administration, followed policy and procedure, and was well liked by all with whom she had contact. We all miss her, and highly recommend her to you!”
“April worked for three years serving as a second grade teacher. She worked very hard teaching the large classes that she had, and provided high quality lessons for her students! They constantly scored well in both class grades and standardized tests. April adhered closely to the school's rules and guidelines in all that she did. She always worked well with the administration and the other staff members, and all we were sorry to see her go. She will be a wonderful Harrisburg Nanny!”
“April and I have lived next-door to each other for 10 years and I couldn’t ask for a better neighbor and friend! She is a caring, responsible and committed individual in all areas of her life, especially as a Harrisburg Nanny. She is trustworthy in every way, and always willing to offer assistance whenever help is needed. I am fortunate to know her!”
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