ABC Nanny Source Has The Best Washington, DC Nannies!
Here's Why...
Referrals of new caregivers to our agency by our current long time professional Nannies is our greatest resource. We receive a vast majority of our new candidates through word of mouth, but we do not stop there. We are always recruiting new Nannies from local areas! Colleges and Universities specializing in education, career fairs, and several different online resources assist us in our search. Usually, we do not need to look very far as Nannies typically find us! ABC Nanny Recruiters are extremely selective in who we accept into the agency. The ABC Nanny Source acceptance rate is approximately 10%. Hundreds of Nannies are interviewed each and every month, with only 1 out of every 10 Nannies ultimately being accepted.
Each Washington DC Nanny that has been accepted has completed ABC's extensive 10 Step Screening Process. Each Nanny is fully aware of ABC’s Code of Conduct and have promised to uphold only the highest moral and ethical standards. Each Nanny’s experience and reputation have been verified through the Reference Verification Department. ABC's Washington DC Nannies are the only Nannies you are going to want to consider!
It is a disturbing fact that other agencies do not require their Nannies agree to a commitment of at least one year, nor do they require that the nanny pass several different background checks and clearances. ABC Nanny Source requires each applicant to complete the rigorous screening process before ever being considered for employment. Because of this, ABC Nanny Source is able to offer Nannies the best salary and benefit packages in the industry. Each Nanny has proven to be the most competent and experienced candidate, allowing them to receive the best possible treatment from their agency and the families they work for.
Families registered with ABC Nanny Source can be confident in the Nanny they hire. Each candidate represented by ABC Nanny Source is committed to the Nanny profession and has promised she will provide the children in her care with a loving, stable, and supportive environment in which to grow!
