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“I cannot stress enough how impressed I am with the exceptional service provided by ABC Nanny Source! Initially, I had reservations about utilizing a local nanny Agency In Al, but now I can confidently state that this is the unparalleled method to secure quality childcare. The al Nanny Candidates recommended to our family were truly remarkable. It astonished me just how remarkably professional, experienced, and dedicated each candidate we interviewed was. Within mere days of enlisting their services, we were fortunate enough to hire an exceptional nanny in Stapleton. We eagerly look forward to having her care for our children for many years to come. Many heartfelt thanks!”
Let us help you find a AL Nanny for your precious children!

Sheri is an experienced Nanny in Stapleton!

Stapleton Nanny Sheri's References

“I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful Sheri has been as our nanny in Stapleton. Originally, she came to our family for just a month during a particularly challenging and stressful time. Not only did she agree to extend her stay, but she consistently exceeded all expectations in her efforts to make the past year easier for everyone, especially my two sons. Despite the ups and downs of our family, she has remained a loving and positive presence throughout. Sheri quickly formed a strong bond with our children and has never let them down, providing them with warmth and nurturing while also offering the necessary structure and discipline. From the time the boys leave school until dinnertime, she is there for them, diligently helping them with their homework (which is no small task, given that one of our sons has a learning disability). I always rely on Sheri to keep me informed about their lives and any updates from their teachers. In addition to all these priceless qualities, Sheri possesses a remarkable gift for organization that has been a true lifesaver for both the boys and me. With the numerous appointments and conflicting activities to manage, she has risen to the challenge with exceptional skill. Even when the boys are at school, Sheri is proactive and takes on a variety of tasks for me, such as running errands and researching various inquiries and potential purchases. I must also mention her talent for finding great deals, as she has diligently protected our budget. Her dedication has saved me from a great deal of stress and helped me meet deadlines that would have otherwise slipped through the cracks.”

“I want to provide some background on the hiring of a nanny in Stapleton and our family situation. As a stay-at-home Dad, I needed to return to work due to my divorce and upcoming move. Initially, we were looking for a full-time nanny in August, with the plan to transition to part-time in September when the children started school. However, this plan changed due to the behavior and emotional problems of my eldest son, which made parenting challenging during the divorce. Despite being aware of these difficulties, Sheri willingly accepted the position and handled the transition with ease. Sheri provided much-needed structure for the children during this time and efficiently managed daily tasks such as errands, appointments, and school pickups. She maintained regular communication with me through phone and email, ensuring the safety of my children was never a concern. Sheri collaborated with an Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) to implement a reward-based parenting approach and sought guidance from my son's psychologist and therapist in dealing with his unique needs. She also worked in coordination with my youngest son's therapist to address his anger related to the divorce. In addition to caregiving, Sheri took on the role of a personal assistant, assisting with various tasks outside of her responsibilities as a nanny. She helped me with the process of moving into a new apartment by coordinating meetings with realtors and shopping for furniture and other essentials. As the primary caregiver for my children, Sheri created a comfortable and safe living environment. She even took the lead in resolving issues with our landlord, gathering necessary information and representing us in court. Throughout the year, we required additional assistance for evenings and weekends, and Sheri took charge of the hiring process. She placed ads, screened applicants, conducted interviews, and negotiated salaries. While I allowed her to believe it was my decision, it was evident that she found someone who shared her passion and dedication for the children. Sheri not only fulfilled her role as a nanny but also served as a personal assistant, managing my daily routines, reminding me of appointments, and handling various tasks. Replacing her will undoubtedly be challenging as she has proven herself to be reliable, dependable, and capable of taking on various responsibilities. She effortlessly handles daily tasks, adjusts to changes, seeks advice when needed, and effectively puts it into action with proper approvals. During this difficult year, Sheri was not only responsible for daily chores such as preparing meals, doing laundry, keeping the apartment clean, and grocery shopping but also provided emotional support and guidance to my children. Her remarkable qualities make her highly recommended as a nanny in Stapleton, representing ABC Nanny Source”

“The decision to choose a child care provider who can ensure the safety, love, and nurture of our children is one of the most important choices parents make. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have found Sheri to care for my children in Stapleton. She has been an absolute blessing. In March 1997, my husband and I had the pleasure of interviewing Sheri through a nanny agency to be our nanny in Stapleton, looking after our three children. At the time, their ages ranged from 6 months to 6 years, and we needed someone to watch them for three days a week, approximately 10 hours a day. Right from the start, we knew she would be a perfect fit for our family. Our three-year-old immediately climbed onto her lap with a book, and she read through the pages with him. Sheri has an incredible way of providing warmth, encouragement, and comfort to my children by tapping into her own childlike nature. You can often find her sitting on the floor with them, at their level, which they absolutely love. They thrive off her playful spirit and undivided attention. Sheri willingly participates in childhood games like hide-and-seek, Chutes and Ladders, and cards. We even joke about how she can play the tenth game of Candy Land with the same enthusiasm as the first game! Throughout the eight years she has been with us, Sheri has adapted her interactions with the children as they have grown. She skillfully handled everything from illnesses and diaper changes for my 6-month-old to assisting my Hatton child, who was diagnosed with ADHD in 1999. She provided him with the patience and guidance he needed, implementing a special diet that eliminated foods with preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. Sheri also accompanied him to therapy sessions when necessary. She even played a role in helping my daughter develop into a confident and upbeat pre-teen by offering guidance on hairstyles, clothing choices, and general advice. Sheri truly is an exceptional and vibrant individual who genuinely loves children. The children adore her."peanut butter and jelly kisses"Sheri, the trusted nanny in Stapleton, is known for her signature greeting of a kiss on each cheek. She is renowned for her reliability and dependability, ensuring she arrives punctually every day. Sheri's ability to think independently allows her to carry out tasks efficiently without constant supervision. Her responsibilities encompass various household chores like laundry, dishwasher emptying, light vacuuming, tidying, preparing nutritious school lunches, grocery shopping, cooking dinners, and baking delightful desserts. She goes the extra mile by proactively identifying additional tasks that may require attention. For example, while unloading groceries, she cleans out expired food from the refrigerator and wipes down shelves to create a cleaner and fresher look. Sheri actively engages in the children's activities, including accompanying them to swimming lessons during the summer. She exhibits her dedication by jumping into the deep end to reassure her son during diving board practice. Attendance at school plays and concerts is a regular occurrence for Sheri. She also drives the children to and from scouting events and provides assistance with their homework when they encounter difficulties. In the eyes of the children, the playground Sheri takes them to is an unparalleled source of joy and excitement."Sheri's Playground"We are fortunate to have Sheri as our nanny in Stapleton because she has chosen the safest playground around, which has open areas for her to watch all the children at once. The neighborhood mothers are consistently impressed by Sheri's competence and enthusiasm, often expressing their gratitude for her care. During times of childhood illnesses, Sheri goes above and beyond by assisting in nursing the children back to health. She takes them to the doctor when necessary and ensures they receive their required medications. I recall a time when my son had pneumonia and Sheri stayed by his side, attentively responding to his needs. To keep the children entertained, Sheri engages them in restful and quiet games. Fortunately, our family has been relatively healthy, but in cases of colds, the flu, conjunctivitis, ear infections, stomach ailments, and recovery from surgery, Sheri has proven her ability to handle these situations. Moreover, Sheri has been a great help on our family vacations. She took charge of planning our entire trip to Orlando, Florida, providing an itinerary of events and sharing her knowledge of the Disney theme parks, ensuring we made the most of our vacation. When we visited water parks and the Alabama shore, Sheri kept a watchful eye on the children, allowing my husband and me to have some time for ourselves without worrying about their safety. In summary, Sheri has been a true blessing to our family, offering hours of worry-free childcare. Her dependability, dynamic nature, creativity, and love for fun have made her an exceptional caregiver. Sheri's ability to bring out the best in the children and instill innovative ways of learning has had a positive impact on their development, resulting in confident and secure individuals.”

“We first encountered Sheri in the winter of 1999 when she became Holly's nanny. Our daughter, Rachel, and Holly quickly became close friends, often having sleepovers together. Sheri was usually the one taking care of the children at Holly's house, and we had complete confidence in her abilities. Sheri was consistently reliable and responsible, which gave us peace of mind that Rachel was in capable hands. Additionally, Rachel had a deep fondness for Sheri due to her vivacious energy and unwavering enthusiasm.”

“In 1988, I was initially introduced to Sheri by Louise, my full-time nanny and also Sheri's cousin. At the time, my older daughter, Alesandra, was 2 years old and my youngest daughter, Danielle, had recently been born. Whenever Louise needed time off or went on vacation, Sheri stepped in as a fill-in nanny in Stapleton. This continued throughout 1989 until the point where Louise had to leave her position, and I made the decision to hire Sheri as my full-time nanny. She proved to be exceptional in her role - loving, patient, and always ready to lend a hand. Both of my daughters eagerly awaited her arrival each day. Sheri effortlessly managed everything from diaper changes and feeding sessions to entertaining the children and assisting with grocery shopping and small errands. I had complete trust in her, even entrusting her with the well-being of my children during car rides. As time went on, Sheri even joined us on family vacations aboard our boat and at the beach during the summer. Eventually, my mother moved in permanently with us, and the need for a full-time nanny diminished. It was truly difficult to say goodbye to Sheri as she had become an integral part of our lives. She was an outstanding individual in every sense, and I am grateful that she had the opportunity to be a part of my family's journey.”

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