ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills loves Sheri’s Nanny experience!
Edgewater Nanny Sheri's References
“I cannot say enough good things about Sheri! She came to our family originally just for a month through a Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills, at a particularly difficult and stressful time, and she not only agreed to stay but has repeatedly gone above and beyond the call of duty as she worked to make the past year less difficult for all of us, but most especially for my two sons. I know that living through our family ups and downs has not always been easy for her, but throughout she has been the same loving and positive individual! Our children became attached to her very quickly and she has never failed them, being a warm and nurturing presence for them while at the same time providing the necessary structure and discipline. Sheri is with the boys from the time they leave school until or through dinnertime; she does almost all their homework with them. (Homework is no light task, since one of our sons is learning disabled.) I know that I can always count on her to let me know what's going on in their lives and give me any up-to-the minute communications from their teachers! In addition to the above, priceless qualities, Sheri has a gift for organization which has been a godsend to both the boys and their mother. There have been a well-above-average number of appointments and dueling activities to track and coordinate and Sheri has risen to that challenge with aplomb. Moreover, she does not let the grass grow under her feet when the boys are in school, instead taking on myriad projects for me, which range from running errands to researching obscure queries and potential purchases. (Speaking of purchases, Sheri is an avid bargain-hunter and has guarded our budget more zealously than I could have!) Her efforts on my behalf have saved me a great New Union of stress and helped me make deadlines that would other have slipped or been lost altogether.”
“I want to start by providing some background on why she was hired through a Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills, and our family situation. I had been a stay-at-home Dad and needed to return to work because I was divorcing my wife. I was also moving to a new residence. We originally wanted someone full-time for the month of August and thought we could then reduce that to part time come September when the children went to school. My eldest son has behavior and emotional problems, which makes him difficult to parent. The divorce was affecting both my children's behaviors, as there was anger in the household. Sheri was aware of all of this and still accepted the position and jumped right in! Sheri provided structure for the children during this time of transition. She handled the daily logistics of errands, doctor's appointments, school pickups, etc. effortlessly. She kept in contact with me each day by phone and email, and I never worried about the safety of my children! Sheri worked with an Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) to implement a reward based parenting technique to help my children. She also sought advice from my son's Psychologist and Therapist to help her understand how to handle him. My youngest son was also seeing a Therapist to New Union with anger he was showing due to the divorce, and Sheri worked with her as well. She used all of this to create and implement an after school program that covered them doing their homework, attending their activities, and have some free time. She also found time to keep the home clean, make their lunches, and make dinner. She always made time before she left to keep me informed of the day's events, reviewing their homework, and upcoming events. My children's behavior has changed amazingly for the better! My eldest son is doing much better in school and is calmer. My youngest son no longer has the anger level and is behaving much better. I credit much of this to Sheri's love and care for them! She also assumed the role of personal assistant and taking on tasks for my wife and I, outside the role as a Nanny. She has helped from moving into a new apartment by meeting with realtors, shopping for furniture and other necessities. The boys are living primarily with me, and she helped build a comfortable and safe living space. When I had difficulty with the landlord, she took control and the lead in gathering information from the town and county to help build my case to move out of the residence and attended court. During the year, we needed to hire someone to care for the children some nights during the week as well as someone for the weekend. Sheri placed the ads, screened the phone replies, interviewed, and negotiated salary. I let her think I did the hiring but it was really her decision! Unsurprisingly, she found someone like herself who does not treat this as a job but truly cares and loves the children. To me, she became a personal assistant as she ran errands, handled my daily routine, reminded me of appointments, and took control of tasks allowing me to concentrate on learning my new job. I will find this difficult to replace. Sheri is a reliable dependable person who can assume most tasks that are given her! She handles daily tasks effortlessly and is flexible when things need to be adjusted. She will listen to advice from others and be able to translate them into effective action. She can also offer sound advice but will not do anything without seeking approval first. It has been a difficult year for my family, and Sheri has made it easier by being able to assume the daily chores such as making lunches, making dinner, doing the children's laundry, keeping the apartment clean, and grocery shopping. More importantly she has been a comforter, advisor, and sometime disciplinarian for my children. She is truly remarkable, and I highly recommend her!”
“One of the biggest decisions in a parent's life is choosing a child care provider who can provide piece of mind that their children are in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. I was so fortunate to find Sheri to care for my children! She has truly been a godsend. Years ago, my husband and I interviewed Sheri to be a nanny for our three children. We were working through a Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills. At that time, my children were of ages 6 months, 3 years, and 6 years. We needed someone to watch them 3 days/week for approximately 10 hours a day. We knew immediately that she would fit in well with our family! My three-year old climbed right up on her lap with a book and she proceeded to read through the pages with him. Sheri has the ability to provide warmth, encouragement, and comfort to my children. She does this by calling upon the child within herself! She is often found sitting on the floor with them so as to be at their own level. They thrive off the fun spirit and attention she provides! Sheri willingly participates in childhood games such as hide-and- seek, Chutes and Ladders, and cards. We often joke with her as to how she can endure playing the 10th game of Candy Land in a row with the same enthusiasm as the first game! Throughout the eight years that Sheri has been with us, she has provided the appropriate interaction with the children as they grew. She very skillfully addressed the needs of my 6 month old, handling all kinds of situations such as illnesses, diapering, and food preparation. My Hatton child was diagnosed with ADHD two years into Sheri’s employment. To assist us in his special needs, Sheri provided him with the additional patience and direction that he required. She adhered to a special diet that we began which eliminated foods containing preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. When he required special therapy sessions, she drove him to the therapist as needed. She even has assisted my daughter to develop into a confident, upbeat pre-teen by offering her guidance in hairstyles, clothing selections, and advice. Sheri is a remarkable, dynamic individual who truly loves children! The children give her "peanut butter and jelly kisses", which is Sheri's reference to getting a kiss on each cheek. Sheri is a reliable, dependable nanny! She is conscientious to arrive on time each day. She is flexible and can think for herself without requiring repeated instructions. She addresses regular household chores, which includes the laundry, emptying the dishwasher, light vacuuming, tidying, making nutritious school lunches, grocery shopping, cooking dinners, and baking delicious desserts. If she sees that additional effort may need to be made, she will take it upon herself to do so. For instance, when unloading groceries, she will clean out the old food from the refrigerator and wipe down the shelves to give a cleaner overall appearance. Sheri is actively involved in the children's activities. During the summer, she takes the children for swimming lessons. To inspire my son to dive off the diving board, Sheri jumped in the deep end to assure him that she would be close at-hand if he needed her help. She attends school plays and concerts. She drives the children to and from scouting events. She aids them with their homework when they get stuck on a problem. The children refer to the playground that Sheri takes them to as "Sheri's Playground", because she feels it is the safest playground around with open areas to watch all the children at once. The neighborhood mothers are so impressed with Sheri's competency and enthusiasm that it is not uncommon for them to tell me how fortunate I am to have her watching my children! During childhood illnesses, Sheri will assist in nursing the children back to health. She will take them to the doctor if necessary, and can be relied upon to give them their medicine. When my son had pneumonia, she stayed close to his side so she could respond to his needs. She plays restful, quiet games with them to keep them from getting bored. Fortunately, we have been pretty healthy, but have given Sheri the opportunity to handle colds, the flu, conjunctivitis, ear infections, stomach ailments, and recovery from surgery. Sheri has also assisted us when we go on family vacations. Sheri planned our entire trip to Orlando, Florida by providing an itinerary of events. She shared her knowledge of the Disney theme parks to assist us in getting the most out of the vacation! She helped my husband and I keep a careful eye out on the children during trips to the water parks and Alabama shore. She provided my husband and I the opportunity to enjoy getting out on our own for a while without having to worry about the safety of the children. In summary, Sheri has truly been a blessing to our family! She has provided my husband and me with hours of worry-free childcare. She is dependable, dynamic, creative, and fun loving. She enjoys bringing the best out of the children and showing them inventive ways of learning. My children are growing up into confident, secure individuals with the positive influence that Sheri has imparted upon them!”
“Any family registered with ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills will be fortunate to have Sheri! We met her as Holly’s Nanny. Holly and Rachel, our daughter, are very close friends. They sleep over frequently! Usually Sheri was at Holly’s house to take care of the children. We fully trusted Rachel was in good hands with Sheri! Sheri was always dependable and responsible. Rachel was very fond of Sheri because of her energy and enthusiasm!”
“I was first introduced to Sheri through a Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills. My older daughter, Alesandra, was 2 years old and my youngest daughter, Danielle, was just born. Sheri began working for me as a fill-in on Louise's days off, vacation, etc. This went on for one year until Louise had to depart from her position and I hired Sheri as my full time nanny. She was wonderful as a nanny - very caring, patient and helpful! My daughters looked forward to her arrival each day. She was extremely helpful and worked well with my children as well as myself. She did everything from changing diapers, feeding, playing, to helping with food shopping and light errands. I trusted her completely, even driving with my children in her car. She has also vacationed with us on our boat and at the beach during the summer. Eventually my mother moved in with us on a permanent basis, and I no longer needed a full time nanny. We were sad to see Sheri leave. She was an all around terrific person and I am glad that my family had the opportunity to have had her as part of our lives!”
“I met Sheri 24 years ago and she has been my best and dearest friend ever since! To know Sheri is to love her, it is just something that comes along with the territory. She truly is a very special and unique person. As far as caring for children, or anyone for that matter, she is one of the most giving and affectionate people I have ever met! There is nothing that she won't do for you, no matter how well she knows you. Sheri's mother being a single parent, I've watched her through the years as she helped raise her younger brother and sister, as well as the much devoted time she spends with her niece, and let me tell you, she is just simply amazing! Sheri didn't watch or spend time with her younger siblings because it was her responsibility; she did it because she truly enjoyed it, as she still does with her 11-year-old niece. I see the relationship that she has now with the 3 children that she cares for, and let me just tell you that they love her very much! Sheri doesn't go to work and think of it as a job; she enjoys every minute she spends with those children. And that's what she does; she spends every minute with them - doing something. She is not one to pop in a video and let them be, she is constantly doing some kind of activity with them, whether it is making crafts, painting pictures, playing games or just taking them to the local park. I do not have any children of my own, but if I did, I would have to say that Sheri would be one of the few people that I would completely trust their lives with! Any family registered with ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills will be extremely lucky to have Sheri care for their children!”
“Sheri is a very sincere and honest individual who I have relied upon many times, and needless to say she was always there without hesitation! She is one of the most positive people I know! As far as a Nanny is concerned, if I ever hired one through ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills, I would only want her. She has been around my children since they were born. They refer to her as Aunt Sheri. I have watched her interact with my children and have trusted their lives with her. She has cared for them in my absence, as well as vacationed with us. She is a natural, which probably stems from her mother, who she is very close with. She is patient, understanding and playful! I have also seen her interact with the 3 children she nannied for. She is able to create a balance between being the Nanny and being their friends. We have play dates together, visit parks in the summer and do all kinds of fun activities together! Sheri adores the children she works for as they do her. She goes above and beyond her job responsibilities for the children, as well as for the parents. She truly loves her work! One could not ask for a better Nanny!”
“I met Sheri while working with a client of mine. At the time, I was contacted to do a behavioral consultation and some parent training with this family, and Sheri was the nanny hired through ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills for the family's two boys, ages 8 years old and 11 years old. The boys were extremely challenging in their needs and behavior, and the parents were divorcing but forced to live together for supervision purposes with the children. The house was chaotic, the parents could not agree on goals or methods to get there for the boys, DYFS was involved, and the mother's mental health was in question. I truly believe that Sheri was the anchor that kept this family from completely falling apart during this extremely difficult time. Sheri was the constant when all other variables would change by the minute. She remained calm and assertive with the parents and the boys. She managed her time in the face of unreasonable and constantly changing demands on her. Her relationship with the boys simulate a parental one, she was extremely loving but firm when necessary. She was able to play and laugh with them but keep limits and expectations clear to them. The boys both clearly adore her and look to her for guidance and support. Sheri's role in the boy's behavior modification was invaluable. I was able to contact her freely, get information and meet with her in her home to brainstorm and collaborate. She offered whatever was needed to help the boys. Once I had developed the goals and plans, Sheri was very successful in implementing the strategies. One child was on the autistic spectrum and the other was so full of anger and resentment that he sought negative attention almost constantly. She had to contend with violence, cursing, yelling, personal insults, disobedience and the daily weight of their exhausting schedules while trying to get their homework done and get them fed and showered by a reasonable time. Everything was a battle for her and then she had to be on top of the new behavior systems in place and all the guidelines I laid down for the family. Sheri incorporated everything we discussed, came to family meetings and trainings and moved forward in the face of all her challenges. The parents in this family also relied on Sheri very heavily during their personal struggles. Sheri was able to maintain her professionalism and personal integrity. She did not take things personally and was able to recognize the situation for what it was. Her goal always was to maintain an upbeat environment and a reliable structure for the boys to live in. Overall I find Sheri to be extremely efficient, reliable, mature, quick thinking, creative, patient, professional and friendly. She would be an asset to any family and I can recommend her without exception!”
“I believe that Sheri would be an asset to any family registered with ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills! She was the nanny for one of my child patients. She demonstrated a high level of skill in dealing with this child's difficult emotions and behavior. She was able to calm him down when he was angry, utilizing firm limits, clear consequences, and humor whenever possible. She was able to explain the reasons for her disciplinary actions and talk with him about complicated social situations with which he is having difficulty. In addition, she showed affection and playfulness in a way that facilitated a deep bond between the child and herself. Sheri has also assisted the working parents of my patient with household chores. In addition to shopping, these have included tasks related to scheduling, household organization, and personal finance. Finally, Sheri was responsible and reliable in maintaining the complicated schedule of my patient.”
“I am a second grade regular education classroom teacher. During the length of one school year, I regularly communicated with Sheri, as she was the after school caretaker of a particular student in my class. She served as a liaison between the parents, and myself in an effort to provide consistency and structure for the child under her care. I observed that Sheri was very responsible in picking the child up each day, and in wanting to know how his day had progressed. She gave praise and positive reinforcement when needed, but also spoke appropriately about consequences when warranted, as well. In both instances, her caring nature was evident, and the child responded in a way that showed respect and understanding! I have also seen how Sheri has been a positive influence on this child, in helping him to be more academically and socially successful in school. She has worked to make sure he completes homework assignments on time, and has encouraged him to listen and follow directions when leaving school each day. Sheri served along with myself and the parents to give support to this second grade student as an important team member. I have appreciated working with her in this manner during the school year, and I am certain that she will make a wonderful nanny through ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills!”
“I began my relationship with Sheri when she began working as a caregiver to one of my students, named Ryan. As a former Nanny of 6 children, and a Nursery School teacher for several years, and now a Nanny through ABC’s Nanny Agency Vestavia Hills, I believe that Sheri possesses all, of the qualities necessary to be a wonderful Nanny! For example, she brings Ryan to school each day, and is always eager to hear about Ryan's day and progress. She tries to be as involved as possible in Ryan’s day-to-day affairs at school. Sheri has volunteered on more than one occasion to assist on field trips. It is on these field trips that I was able first hand to see how Sheri interacts with children. She was firm yet caring. She played wonderfully with the children! Sheri does not need to command attention, she is a born leader and children respond wonderfully to her! After our first field trip together, I felt comfortable knowing she was assisting on another trip with Ryan's class. Sheri was capable, and acted responsibly with the children. In fact, she has acted as a driver on more than one field trip, and she was a very responsible and safe driver. She had no problem driving 3 to 4 students to and from the field trips. I am also impressed by how Sheri has helped Ryan with his learning efforts. She has worked with Ryan to learn his colors and letters. I have seen how her hard work has helped Ryan advance through out the school year. There are other characteristics that Sheri possesses which play an important part in taking care of children. She is a good communicator. Sheri communicates well with all people, whether they are children or adults. Sheri keeps herself very presentable. She definitely cares about her appearance and makes sure that the children understand the importance of personal care. I feel very comfortable writing a letter of recommendation for someone like Sheri. She is a great Nanny and any family would be lucky to have her!”
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